Rhinoplasty Experts Serving Dunedin & Clearwater, FL

Nose surgery can alter features that include:

  • Size of the nose
  • Width of the nose
  • A bump on the bridge of the nose
  • The tip of the nose to correct a large, bulbous, upturned, or drooping appearance
  • Excessively flared nostrils
  • A crooked or off-center appearance
  • Asymmetry due to a previous injury

A nose that is out of balance on the face can become a focal point that draws attention away from other attractive facial features. The purpose of nose surgery (rhinoplasty) is to improve the appearance of the nose, to help it fit the face in a complementary way that is harmonious with other facial features.

During your exam, Dr. Laufer will evaluate your skin quality and the internal and external structure of your nose to determine how to best create balance between your nose and other facial features. Nose surgery may typically be performed on female patients who are as young as age 15 or males who are as young as age 17, but it will be necessary for Dr. Laufer to determine any possible limitations.

The proportion and shape of the nose and chin can be improved and refined to bring more balance between the features of the face. Whether you are bothered by a hump, a drooping nasal tip, or the shape and size of your nose or nostrils, Dr. Laufer has extensive training and experience in restoring a more ideal aesthetic form to the nose through a rhinoplasty procedure.

In some cases, Dr. Laufer may also recommend a chin implant to further enhance the facial profile and harmony between facial features. A chin implant corrects the appearance of a weak chin to give the chin a stronger, more defined contour.