One of the more commonly requested Plastic Surgery Procedures in Clearwater, Fl is Breast Augmentation Surgery. Clearwater residents have many options to consider when planning cosmetic surgery. Surgical matters regarding the composition of the implant, the shape and size of the implant, and the location of the breast implant are carefully considered by you and Jared Gopman MD, American Board Certified. Dr. Gopman meticulously discusses your options during your initial private consultation, and also revisits the discussion during the second pre-operative consultation to determine the size of your implants. Laufer Institute of Plastic Surgery patients consider Breast Augmentation for various aesthetic and medical reasons; balancing the appearance of the breasts, adjusting reduced breast size after surgery or a pregnancy, and improving congenital breast defects. Dr. Gopman is one of best Board Certified Plastic Surgeons in Florida and, deservingly, has earned a very loyal patient base. Our patients love the appearance of their new, natural-feeling breasts.
Breast Enhancement Surgery is custom tailored to each patient’s aspiration of shape and appearance. Because of these personal preferences, Dr. Gopman takes the time to learn what each patient’s ideal image is. Once the expected image is discussed, then Dr. Gopman helps the patient decide on which type of implant is preferred and the optimal placement for the breast implants. This personalized attention produces the most ideal results for the patient relative to their desired image, anatomy, and lifestyle. Clearwater residents can click here to see before and after photos of Breast Augmentation results.
Breast Implants are commonly defined as, “a prosthesis consisting of a gel-like or fluid material in a flexible sac, implanted behind or in place of a female breast in reconstructive or cosmetic surgery.” The fluid in a breast implant can be composed of either saline-filled (salt water) or a silicone gel-filled solution. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved both types of implants for use in plastic surgery (FDA Medical Device Procedures). In addressing the question of which type of implant to use, Dr. Laufer will meticulously address the best options for our valued Clearwater residents.
The Breast Augmentation procedure lasts one to two hours and is typically performed with general anesthesia. Precise incisions are made in inconspicuous areas on the breast or in the armpit to minimize scar visibility. These may be located:
After the preparatory work for the Breast Augmentation is completed, Dr. Laufer then creates the breast pocket where the implant will be inserted.
The placement of your Breast Implants is an important factor in achieving the look that you envisioned. When placing the implant beneath the chest muscle, there are a few inherent advantages over placing the implant just beneath the breast tissue. For instance, it will lower the risk of capsular contracture (post-operative tightening around the implant), and it provides for the least amount of interference while undergoing mammogram exams. However, the location of the implant beneath the chest muscle usually has slightly more pain in the days following the surgery. Sometimes, placing the breast implant beneath the breast and on top of the chest muscle can lessen the need for a breast lift with more prominent scars. Dr. Laufer will discuss the best options for our Clearwater patients.
Another, and sometimes preferred, option for the location of the Breast Augmentation Implants is the sub-fascial placement of the breast implant. The fascia is a sheet of connective tissue that covers the pectoralis major muscle; this fascia is relatively thin and not as thick as the pectoralis major muscle itself, therefore less effective in concealing the implants. This can be a problem with saline-filled implants, but less of a problem when using the silicone gel-filled implants. The advantage gained from the sub-facial placement of the silicone gel-filled breast implants is having an immediate natural look to the breast and not the high and tight look of the breast after the sub-muscular placement of the breast implants. Another advantage of the sub-fascial placement for the breast implant is that there is no distortion of the breast upon contraction of the muscle, which usually throws the implant laterally and into the armpits.
Once the breast implants are properly positioned beneath the nipples, the incision is subsequently sutured, taped, and bandaged. Afterwards, you will be provided with a sports bra and a band to keep the implants in place during the recovery phase.
The Laufer Institute of Plastic Surgery located near Clearwater, Florida can help you realize the dream of reaching your image potential through Breast Augmentation, but Dr. Laufer will occasionally recommend incorporating the breast augmentation procedure with another complementary procedure such as a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) to receive an even more satisfying result. If there may be a need for this, Dr. Gopman will be sure to discuss this with you during your consultation.
Many patients may feel tired and sore after their breast augmentation surgery, but this feeling usually disappears in two or three days. Also, a lot of Clearwater patients even return to normal work and everyday activities within the first week. Your body will absorb the sutures so no suture removal is needed. If you have any post-operative swelling, pain or diminished sensitivity, it will usually return to normal over the first few weeks following your surgery. Breast Augmentation will produce scars, but they will fade over time.
Patients in Clearwater, Fl can experience any of the following complications after breast augmentation surgery: swelling, pain, capsular contracture (response of the immune system to a foreign material in the body), implant area infection, nipple sensation may vary, and possible leakage of implant (implant rupture) as a result of injury or the normal compression and movement of your chest. If after the surgery, you get injured then please consult with Dr. Gopman immediately with regards to the nature of your injury.