Situated on coastal wetlands overlooking the gulf, the Laufer Institute provides patients with state-of-the-art cosmetic services while still allowing them to enjoy the natural beauty of the facility’s surroundings.
Just outside the window of the third-story recovery rooms lives an Osprey family, mother Madeleine and father, Igor (as named by Dr. Laufer) and their newborn baby chicks. Not only have the majestic Ospreys captivated Laufer Institute staff and guests, but have even caught the attention of a National Geographic free-lance photographer as well.
Ospreys mate for life and are devoted parents. We have positioned a camera near the nest to ensure we don’t miss a single breathtaking event regarding our feathered friends- such as their return to their nest each December or the birth of their eaglets each Spring.
Last year, we discovered a hole in the bottom of the nest and suspected that the eaglets fell out and did not survive. Alongside Madeleine, Dr. Laufer himself searched through the brushes below the nest in an attempt to locate the lost baby birds. Unfortunately, Madeleine and Dr. Laufer’s search turned out unsuccessful and her eaglets were never found. To ensure the safety of Madeleine and her young, we have attached a slippery metal coating at the base of the pole to repel any predators from climbing up to the nest.
Luckily, Madeleine’s unfortunate experience did not deter her from returning this year and laying a new batch of eggs. With the aid of our camera, to our delight, we were able to witness the awe-inspiring hatching of the eggs. We encourage you to visit our Institute and enjoy this scenic view first-hand.
As with our precious Ospreys, we hope that our valued patients return to our facility time and time again!